
One-stop full service for inbound chinese clients

Expansion is associated with great growth opportunities for companies. When carrying out your expansion activities in Germany, which may include developing new sales markets, acquiring highly specialised companies, or setting up a Europe-wide distribution network with Germany as its nucleus and optimising it for tax purposes, etc.

With the help of our more than 800 highly qualified employees at over 20 locations in Germany as well as our long-standing cooperation partners in Europe, we ensure that we can pursue our holistic advisory approach in the interests of our clients in Germany and Europe.


Bridge to china for european clients

Expansion is associated with great growth opportunities for companies. When carrying out your outbound activities, which may include developing new sales markets, taking advantage of labour cost benefits, attracting qualified workers, tax optimisation aspects, etc., we are on hand to support you with extensive expertise.

As part of SW International, we ensure that we can pursue our holistic advisory approach even more effectively, in the interests of our clients worldwide.